Consultancy Service on Intellectual Property Law, Trademark Patent Law and Competition Law

Conciliation or Conduct of Litigation Process for Violations of Intellectual Property Rights

Mediation, Conciliation, Arbitration and Trial Processes in Unfair Competition and Trademark Violations

Developing Anti-Imitation Strategies for Brands

Preparation of Patent, Trademark, Design and License Agreements

Necessary Defense Procedures Regarding Invalidation Cases

Case to Determine Whether the Action Taken Is Unfair or Not

Filing and Follow-up of Unfair Competition Prohibition Case

Elimination of the Financial Situation Resulting from Unfair Competition

If Unfair Competition is Made with False or Misleading Statements, Action for Correction of These Statements

Case for Compensation for Loss and Damage If There is a Defect

Filing a Lawsuit for Non-Pecuniary Damages if the Conditions Specified in the Law of Obligations Exist